Directions to the Refuge
Refuge Headquarters Address
7715 Lakeville Highway
Petaluma, CA 94954
By car to the San Pablo Bay Headquarters
From Sacramento Travel west on I-80, and exit Hwy 37 W towards San Rafael. Go over the Napa River
past Hwy 121. At the next light at Lakeville Hwy, make a U-turn and head back on Hwy 37 east. Go past the weigh station
and within 100 yards turn Right into the driveway. You will see a sign for Sonoma Land Trust and the San Pablo Bay
National Wildlife Refuge.
From San Francisco Travel north on Hwy 101, and exit Hwy 37 East towards Vallejo.
Pass Lakeville Highway and go past the weigh stationvand within 100 yards turn Right into the driveway.
You will see a sign for Sonoma Land Trust and the San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge.
From Napa and Sonoma Travel south on Highway 29 and and exit Hwy 37 W towards San Rafael.
Go over the Napa River past Hwy 121. At the next light at Lakeville Hwy, make a U-turn and head back on Hwy 37 east.
Go past the weigh station and within 100 yards turn Right into the driveway. You will see a sign for
Sonoma Land Trust and the San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge.
Encompassing the largest remaining continuous patch of pickleweed-dominated
tidal marsh in the northern San Francisco Bay, San Pablo Bay NWR
protects and preserves habitat critical to the survival of the endangered
California clapper rail and salt marsh harvest mouse. The Refuge
and surrounding San Pablo Bay area also provide wintering habitat
for millions of shorebirds and waterfowl, including the largest
wintering population of canvasbacks on the west coast.
Marin Island NWR hosts one of the largest heron and egret rookeries
in northern California. This unique island habitat also supports
other breeding migratory birds, and its surrounding mud flats and
waters are frequented by shorebirds and harbor seals.
