Join Us!

Please print out the form below, fill it out, and mail it to us with your check!

Yes, I would like to help! I want to join the Friends of the San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge and help to preserve, restore and enhance the San Pablo Bay and Marin Islands National Wildlife Refuges. Enclosed is my membership:

Pickleweed Pal $25
Marsh Wren $50
Clapper Rail $100
Harvest Mouse Helper $250
Great Blue Heron Hero $500
Saltmarsh Sponsor $1000
White Pelican Patron $2500
Tidal Marsh Mentor $5000
Great Egret Guardian $10,000
Baylands Benefactor $25,000

Name _________________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________

City/State/Zip _______________________________________________

Phone _________________________________________________________

Fax _________________________________________________________

Email _________________________________________________________

My check is enclosed (payable to Friends of the San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge).

Thank you!

Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by IRS guidelines.

Please contact me to discuss the following:
I would like information on commemorative gifts.
I would like to donate a gift membership.
I would like to learn about volunteer opportunities.

Please mail to:
Friends of San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge
7715 Lakeville Highway, Petaluma, CA 94954-9266

Friends of San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge
A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Corporation for the Benefit of the San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge
7715 Lakeville Highway, Petaluma, CA 94954-9266
(707) 769-4200